There's nothing more insane than trying to reinvent the wheel! It's already been done. If you're going to venture into something new, doesn't it make more sense to seek out someone that's already done it and pretty much perfected it at that? No matter what directions in life you choose, it's always wise to seek a mentor that can help you on that path.
As a young cyclist, I was lucky to have some very successful former pros to guide me. It's almost as if whenever I needed someone to show me the next step, the right person appeared. The real trick is to recognize these opportunities when they present themselves. Being able to act on the right advise really took me further in the sport than natural ability alone would have allowed. You see, there was always others with more talent than me who didn't go as far as I did, simply because they didn't have the determination to do it and the right guidance.
These principles can be applied to whatever you undertake, whether it be business or anything else. First you have to have absolute focus on what you want to achieve and then seek out those who have already been successful and listen to what they have to say. Any other way is just a waste of time and effort.
And don't be afraid to aim high.... even if you don't reach your target chances are that you will still achieve much more than you originally thought possible.
Find your road to success by following those that have already reached it.