
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Biggest Mistake in MLM Business

It’s incredible how the vast majority of people I speak to on a daily basis are making this one SINGLE mistake that is seriously damaging any chances of them having success in their business.

Want to know what it is?

Every single one of them are promoting their Network Marketing business from the front end. Both online and offline.

Let me clarify.
You have joined a Network Marketing/MLM business and believe that it is the best thing since sliced bread and in order to make the business viable, you are making a long list of your friends and inviting all of them to some sort of business presentation where they can get to know the business and product.
If you’ve been doing this for a while and are wondering why you are still broke even though you’ve been churning and burning through lists of people you know and listened to exactly what your upline told you to do, it’s because you are making the biggest mistake that 95% of Network Marketers make!
This is a massive problem that almost all Network Marketers face at one point or another in their career.

Let’s break down why this is a dire strategy for growing a Network Marketing business:
1. Your friends and family are NOT entrepreneurs and don’t want to build a business
2. They have different dreams and goals and rarely have the same beliefs that you do about Network Marketing
3. They are an untargeted group who need to be educated on what Network Marketing even is in the first place
4. You have a limited number of people that you personally know and can call on
5. When you have spoken to all your friends, you will need to hit the cold market to continue to grow your business
6. Hitting the cold market requires thick skin and top notch salesmanship in order to capitalize on
7. Most people will fail miserably at sales
8. You will need to train your team to go through this same excruciating process
If you think that these points don’t apply to you or your business, then you’re either in denial OR you are born to be a salesmen and have skills that 95% of this industry will never have. In that case, this post does not apply you.
However, if you’re anything like me or the other 95% of people out there then read on…

So now that you’re all disillusioned about what to do and are asking yourself why you even joined this industry in the first place, don’t worry, I have good news!
There is still a way to market your business, get the results you are really looking for, and skip those horrible 8 points that most marketers end up going through.

The trick is to combine 2 vital components.
The Internet + Attraction Marketing

This powerful combination has single handedly killed the problem of sponsoring and having to be the super-salesmen that it is near impossible to be.
The main goal of Attraction Marketing is to FIRST build a relationship and trust with people on auto-pilot, before you even ask them to buy into anything. Since Network Marketing always has and always will be a relationship business, people tend to join people that they like, trust and respect. And if you learn how to do this, then you will be churning out new recruits like you’ve never seen.
Incorporating this idea with the Internet allows you to cross borders and hit a massive amount of people that you can now “target”. This along with certain “tools” will help you to create leverage in your business to allow you to scale out your business and get you to your goals more quickly.

So if you want to stop being that person that calls your friends and family 10 times a day trying to get an answer or the person that everyone ignores because they’re afraid you’ll pitch them about your business, then all you have to do is click here for some real NETWORK MARKETING SECRETS.

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