In 30 years in network marketing, we've learned the #1 feature you must have in place for success:
Company management experience with integrity.
People ask me all the time, "How do I know if my company has integrity?"
The answer is simple: read your company Policies & Procedures. If you can't find them on the website, it's a big red flag! Some companies say you can't read them until after you join. Big red flag!
Why are they ashamed of their P&Ps? Why don't they want you to read them? The P&Ps are YOUR contract to be in business with them - written by the company lawyers! Every time any distributor ever gets a termination letter, it says, "You have violated the Policies & Procedures." They never say you violated "Terms & Conditions." It's always "Policies & Procedures."
Most reps never actually read their P and P's. You need to do it ... it may really open your eyes. At least you'll know exactly what to look for and how to protect yourself.
How to analyze any MLM opportunity before you join.
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