
Friday, August 20, 2010

The Evolution of the Internet

The Internet has been around for quite some time now, but there have been some recent developments in the online world in the last few years that have brought marketing online to a whole new level. For starters, there are more qualified, working class people that are using the Internet to network, keep in touch with their friends and do business. This phenomenon has lead to the explosion in social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Squidoo just to name a few.

Also, more than ever, people are starting to realize that the Internet is a great place to market their Network Marketing business. They are able to reach a global audience, they can truly work from home, and they can use tools online to leverage their time which is just not available in offline marketing strategies. But bringing your Network Marketing business onto the Internet does have its fair share of challenges as well.

Being as diverse and massive as the Internet is, most newbie Network Marketers have no idea where to start and most have no idea what they are doing. There are way too many that spend countless hours on the computer without really doing anything productive. Some can only generate a few leads and most don’t really turn a profit.

So here are 3 tips that you can use right away to really understand how to grow your MLM business properly on the Internet.

#1. Learn To Master Different Marketing Platforms
It is essential that you get proper training on the different places that you wish to market your business on. So for example, if you have researched or decided that Facebook is one of the marketing platforms that you would like to use to grow your business on, then become a Facebook marketing pro. There is no point having 5,000 friends if you have no idea how to monetize them or turn them into leads.
Remember that marketing is a skill. And just like any skill it requires education and practice. So make sure you get the right training by becoming a member of a system, or by following mentors online who know what they are doing. Thinking that you can figure it out yourself is possible, however it can take a lot of time and most people fail miserably.

#2. Pick 2 or 3 Strategies To Focus On
After you have identified the marketing strategies you wish to pursue, pick 2 or 3 and get really good at them. Learn every aspect of each platform and tweak them until you can crank out a satisfactory number of leads from them every single day. There is no point using 10 strategies and spreading yourself too thin. This way you will not be able to gain traction in any of them and will probably leave you pissed off, frustrated and broke.

#3. Be Consistent
Once you are working on those marketing strategies, make sure you put in consistent effort and stay the course. There is no point posting one article on one site once a week! That will yield you zero results. Instead you should be posting articles every single day in the 20 or so article sites that you have identified. And remember that results do take time to blossom. So be consistent and take action every day.

By using these 3 methods and realizing that it is essential to become a marketing expert in certain areas of the Internet, it really helped my business and I started to get the results that I wanted.

network marketing lead generation for beginners

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