
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Are You Hiding Behind Your Computer?

Watching a few network marketing forums lately, I’ve noticed people discussing the benefits of some of the many lead generation-marketing systems that seem to be popping up all over the place. I was intrigued to see people saying how great it was not to have to call their own leads. HELLO! If you’re afraid to call your own leads then you don’t have a very bright future in MLM. Sorry to be so blunt about it but MLM is a people business and the first step to building a solid down line is to establish a relationship with your lead first in order to see if your “potential business partner” has what it takes to be successful.

I also saw a comment on a mastermind forum by a so called top earner who stated that “online marketing is nothing more than traffic plus conversion”. Nothing more???!!!! It may not be for affiliate marketers who earn their income from commissions on sign ups. For anyone wanting to build a REAL MLM BUSINESS in a REAL COMPANY selling a REAL PRODUCT that will eventually establish a REAL RESIDUAL INCOME you have to learn to use the telephone. Traffic plus conversion is just the first step.
Simply relying on a marketing system that plays a numbers game, signing up anyone and everyone in the hope that some may stick is not the way to establish relationships with people.

A true mentor will teach you, first how to recognize the different personality types and secondly how to approach each one. If you’ve never been taught how to establish personal relationships then how do you expect people to join your business? And, more importantly, stick with you.
Find out how you can develop your own MLM RELATIONSHIP BUILDING SYSTEM that will teach you how to generate your own leads and attract the right people to your team NOW.

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